Reliability is the distinctive trademark of the RunBooking technological platform. Thanks to an excellent service availability (active 99.9% of the time), to the possibility to obtain skilled assistence, and to our tecnhological worldwide partners, the power of the RunBooking Cloud is unlimited.
Our platform is constantly revised and enhanced in order to face most effectively the increase in the workload it has to undergo. System softwares are also constantly checked and updated in order to ensure a high level of safety.
The RunBooking platform is submitted daily to checks and analysis on the occupation state and use of the resources in order to otpimize performance e high quality of service.
RunBooking is a set of products and services created by Hosteras, a company operating in the tourism field with an important track record of commercial development and company growth.
Hosteras is part of Meridies Holding which, since 2000, participated in the creation and development of important activities in the ICT field.